Increased extras cover from 1 April

Mar 27, 2023HCi news, Health insurance

We’ve made a range of improvements to our Extras policies to provide HCi members with up to 20% more at no additional cost, across some of our most popular Extras treatments, commencing from 1 April 2023.
icon of an umbrella over a heart for HCi premier extras cover

Premier Extras increases

  • Optical annual benefit limits have increased, from $250 per to $300 each calendar year. That’s 20% more you can claim each year, when you buy prescription glasses or contact lenses,
  • For physiotherapy and exercise physiology consultations, subject to existing annual limits, you’ll get 15% more back in claim benefits for each visit. If you access group physiotherapy treatments, you’ll get 20% more back when you claim,
  • Home nursing benefits have doubled, so you’ll now get $50 back for home visits from HCi approved nursing providers that are prescribed by a doctor, subject to existing annual limits, and
  • Claim benefits for health management programs designed to help members quit smoking, or lose weight, that are approved by HCi have also increased by 20% per approved program, subject to existing annual limits.
red icon of an umbrella over a heart for HCi healthy extras cover

Healthy Extras increases

  • Optical annual benefit limits have increased, from $200 per to $240 each calendar year. That’s 20% more you can claim each year, when you buy prescription glasses or contact lenses,
  • For physiotherapy and exercise physiology consultations, subject to existing annual limits, you’ll get 15% more back in claim benefits for each subsequent visit (ie after your initial visit). If you access group physiotherapy treatments, you’ll get 20% more back when you claim,
  • Home nursing benefits have doubled, so you’ll now get $40 back for home visits from HCi approved nursing providers that are prescribed by a doctor, subject to existing annual limits, and
  • Claim benefits for health management programs designed to help members quit smoking, or lose weight, that are approved by HCi have also increased by 20% per approved program, subject to existing annual limits.
teal icon of an umbrella over a heart for HCi active extras cover

Active Life Extras increases

  • We’ve removed several optical sub-limits so that you can use your full annual benefit limit when you claim for prescription glasses or contact lenses each calendar year, and
  • For physiotherapy and exercise physiology consultations, subject to existing annual limits, you’ll get 14% more back in claim benefits for each visit. If you access group physiotherapy treatments, you’ll get 20% more back when you claim.

You can find out more about our range of Extras cover on our website, and more detailed information about the claim benefits and eligibility rules for various treatments in our Member Guide.  Remember: waiting periods may apply in some circumstances and maximum annual benefit limits apply.

If you have any other queries about HCi extras cover, or any other questions about your private health cover, please contact your friendly HCi team on 1800 804 950 or via email at

Michelle (a stylised signature)

Michelle Wade
Chief Executive Officer