Walking for health

Feb 15, 2024Community, HCi news

There are many studies showing that walking is good for our physical and mental health, so we are pleased to support the Walking for Health and Helen fundraiser in March.

Starting on 9 March, Brian Stace (long term HCi member and former Director) is Walking for health and Helen: over 50 Tassie walks in under 50 days.  The walks are to promote healthy walking and raise Cancer Council Tasmania funds in honour of his wife, Helen (who died from breast cancer last year), and others affected by cancer.

If you would like to contribute to Brian’s fundraising efforts, please visit https://www.doitforcancer.com.au/fundraisers/brianstace

Alternatively, grab the list of 50 Tassie walks and try them yourself! They vary in length and difficulty so that everyone can find a Tassie walk to suit their abilities.

Walking for health and Helen - a challenge of Tassie walks as a fundraiser to fight cancer and support walking