Upgrading OMS – your online member services portal

Jun 24, 2024HCi news

I’m delighted to announce that we have upgraded HCi’s Online Member Services (OMS) portal, in response to member requests.

As well as looking fresh and new, you will be able to see your claims history, your remaining limits on extras cover, policy details, and your payment arrangements. You can still update your contact details, make a payment and order a new/replacement HCi membership card.

What’s new in OMS?

Submit claim button on the HCi OMS portalOne of the biggest changes is that you can submit a claim securely within OMS! Simply upload a photo or pdf of your receipt and hit submit – easy! You can also submit documents, such as completed HCi forms, medical letters and reports, and birth certificates. Not only is this quicker than sending us an email, it keeps your information more secure.

You will also notice that OMS now requires a multi factor authentication (MFA) step, which enhances the security of your account and your personal information. In simple terms, that means we send you a security code via email or SMS each time you log in.

Accessing the HCi portal

Your refreshed OMS is online now, and can be accessed at members.hciltd.com.au or via the links throughout our site.

If you have recently used OMS, you can log in with your member number and existing password. Once you have logged in, we strongly recommend you change to a secure password, too.

If you have not used OMS before, or haven’t used it recently, it is an easy process to register for OMS to gain access. You will be asked to set your own, strong password (which may be more complex than your old password) as part of your registration.

You can click on ‘forgot password’ any time you are not sure of your password.

First time logging into OMS? Lick this orange button to register as a memberAlready registered for OMS? click this button to log in




I hope you find the updated OMS to be a useful tool in managing your health cover, and your health. We will continue to review and enhance the features of our new OMS over time, and would love to hear your feedback, including any suggestions for other features you would like to see.

Healthy regards,

Michelle Wade (a stylised signature)


Michelle Wade
Chief Executive Officer