Introducing the new HCi Chair of the Board

Dec 5, 2024HCi news


I am pleased to inform our members that a new HCi Chair was appointed after our recent Annual General Meeting (AGM).

profile photo of Gerald White, HCi Chair of the BoardEffective from 22 November 2024, Gerald White is Chair of the HCi Board with Catherine Martin as Deputy Chair. Both Gerald and Catherine have served HCi well as Board members in the past and I am confident they will help drive HCi forward for our members’ benefit over the coming years.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Carolyn Harris for her work and dedication as our outgoing Chair of the Board.

If you have any questions about the HCi Board, or your own membership of course, please contact our friendly team via HCiChat, phone or email.

Rob Wood
Company Secretary