Vale Phillip Boon

Jan 8, 2025HCi news

Black ribbon representing grief and mourning, as for the death of an HCi Chair

It is with deep sadness we inform members of the passing of HCi’s past Board Chair, Phillip Boon. Phillip passed away on 26 December, 2024.

Phil made a significant contribution to enhancing best practice governance as both a Board Director and as Board Chair.

As a HCi Board Director for over 8 years to 2017, Phil provided strong leadership. He imparted his skills and knowledge through the following HCi Board roles:

  • Board Chair
  • Board Deputy Chair
  • Chair Audit Committee
  • Chair Risk Committee
  • Chair Remuneration and Evaluation Committee.

Phil was instrumental in navigating significant transitions for the Fund, such as:

  • From dependence on APPM financial support to a fully independent, self-sufficient entity.
  • From a restricted Paper and Forestry based Fund to an open Fund for all Australian citizens.
  • Maintaining the Fund’s independence and focusing on not-for-profit status during several periods of Private Health Insurance industry consolidation.
  • Constitution changes to adopt Australian Prudential Regulation Authority best practice governance.

Throughout his time on the Board, Phillip displayed integrity and the Company values while prioritising activities in the best interest of members.

HCi is a better organisation for Phillip’s contribution, and we express our deep condolences to his wife and their two children, as well as to his mother and step father.

Michelle Wade (a stylised signature)


Michelle Wade, on behalf of the HCi Board, Management and staff of HCi.